

I am a fresh junior doctor based in little New Zealand.

The birth of this blog is thanks to Titus Kam. He expanded my horizons, far, more than I could ever fathom. He showed me a world beyond medicine and an abundance of possibilities. Yup… Imagine a doctor becoming a digital nomad in 2023!  

Seven years of my life has been dedicated to medicine. To think that the rest of my life would be too, I questioned myself..

“Is there more to life?” 

No doubt during the pandemic, many doctors would ask the same question to themselves whilst working as front liners. This blog will also document my journey in exploring different ways of life outside of medicine that is meaningful, while working as a full time doctor.

In this process, I will be posting on: 

  • Doctor Antics – all things you should know about becoming a doctor
  • Side hustles for young professionals &
  • Lifestyle advice on keeping fit and healthy 

Dr Chou.