Working Out During Intermittent Fasting – The Best Guide For The Best Weight Loss Results

Many people avoid working out while intermittent fasting. There’s this misconception that you cannot exercise while you have fasted… 

Not true! 

Working out is safe to do while intermittent fasting.

Read to find out how and why it is possible. This article will help you find the most suitable workout to fit into your intermittent fasting schedule!

Can I work out during intermittent fasting?

The short answer is yes, you can definitely work out while intermittent fasting. 

The long answer is still yes, provided you are fit, healthy and sensible with your workout choices. 

If you have an existing medical condition or are taking regular medications, you should consult your doctor before embarking on intermittent fasting.

Guide on working out while intermittent fasting

First, come up with a plan that works for you. This is dependent on three factors: 

  1. Intermittent fasting schedule 
  2. Choice of workout 
  3. Timing of work out and eating

Intermittent fasting schedule

The beauty of intermittent fasting is its flexibility. There are many different intermittent fasting schedules you can pick from. 

The more popular and sustainable schedules have shorter fasting durations. For example, the 16:8 or 20:4 method. 

I personally follow the 16:8 method where I can easily omit one meal of the day. 

Dinner or breakfast.  

You can decide which is more convenient that fits your lifestyle better. This would also then influence the timing of your workout.

How do I pick the best workout for intermittent fasting?

There is no blanket rule for the best workout. 

The best workout is one that aligns with your goals. 

For example, if you are training for flexibility and endurance, yoga or pilates would fit that. If you are looking to strengthen and grow muscles, it is weight training. 

Intermittent fasting is just one of many factors that could affect whether your workout choice is doable. 

Starting out, you should try out lower intensity exercises and work your way upwards.

The best way to gauge how to progress in intensity is to listen to your body. Ultimately everyone is built differently to how their body responds to this change. 

Low-intensity exercises include yoga, pilates and walking. 

Higher intensity exercises include HITT and weight lifting. 

Can I lift weights during intermittent fasting?

You can lift weights during fasting, but you might find that bodybuilding can be very slow compared to pre-dieting.  

Many studies have looked into the effects of intermittent fasting on muscle gain.

The general conclusion is:

So I would say, if you are looking to body build, fasting may not be your cup of tea. 

What Is The Best Time To Work Out When Intermittent Fasting?

Choosing the best time to work out is highly dependent on your intermittent fasting schedule. 

We will use the 16:8 method for illustration: 

  • You fast for 16 hours and skip breakfast to do this. 
  • You break your fast from lunchtime.  
  • Your fasting window, therefore, is in the morning.

Working out in the morning while intermittent fasting

Working out in the morning in this example would mean working out fasted. 

The huge benefit of this is weight loss from burning fat storage. 

Working out after fasting means that the body has no choice but to use your fat as fuel. No, it does not burn lean muscle mass. However as mentioned above, fasting is not the best way to go for muscle gain. 

If your intention is just weight loss – you have found your weapon! 

If your intention is to build muscle – you should not work out while fasting. 

Warning!! Many reported experiencing low blood sugar as a result of working out in the morning in a fasted state. 

This is because the body does not have any readily available glucose to burn from breakfast in the morning. This could lead to experiencing lightheadedness and fatigue while you work out. 

These symptoms could hinder your performance at the gym. Luckily, they do eventually go away as your body gets used to this condition.

In the meantime, listen to your body and ease slowly into it. Be careful as your body is vulnerable to injuries at this time. 

It follows that low-intensity exercises are better suited for working out while fasting. 

Working out at night while intermittent fasting

Working out at night in your eating window is best for workout performance. 

Many people reported feeling much stronger and can perform at their peak.

The benefit of this timing of workout means you are not restricted to the type of workout you can do.

You can lift weights and pursue other high-intensity workouts.

When is the best time to eat with my workout?

For those who work out during your fasting window: 

Ideally, you should always time your workout at the end of your fasting window.

This is so you can break your fast immediately after. This allows your body to replenish itself with fuel from food after a big workout.

This is especially crucial if you do high-intensity workouts. 

For those who work out during your eating window: 

This can also mean that you work out after you’ve had your last meal of the day. You can choose to eat pre or post work out. 

Intermittent fasting weight loss diet plan

Personally, I follow the 16:8 intermittent fasting method. My goal is to lose fat and maintain lean muscle mass. 

I use intermittent fasting while working out to achieve this.

I came up with this diet plan which was incredibly effective for me.

Feel free to use this and make it your own. 

Intermittent fasting during working out

6 tips of how to intermittent fast and work out successfully

Now, let’s drive this home with 6 take-home messages. 

  • Start low go slow – choose a low intensity work out then work your way up 
  • Always listen to your body for symptoms of low blood sugar to prevent injuries
  • Rehydration! Water is your best friend during fasting to keep your blood pressure levelled
  • To build muscle, train in your feeding window i.e. in the afternoon or evening
  • To lose weight, train while fasted AND try time it with a postworkout meal 
  • Consult a doctor before trying intermittent fasting if have any physical health problems